Nov 12, 2023

AWS CodeDeploy: Guide to a Successful Implementation

AWS offers a wide array of tools within its AWS DevOps Suite, facilitating effective and smooth implementation of DevOps practices for organizations.

AWS provides numerous tools in its AWS DevOps Suite that enable organizations and technical consultants to practice it effectively and seamlessly. Among these tools is AWS CodeDeploy, a platform that empowers companies to automate software deployments, reducing the need for manual labor. This, in turn, helps eliminate human errors, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency.

What are the features of AWS CodeDeploy?

AWS CodeDeploy streamlines software deployment to various computing services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS Lambda, and on-premises servers. Leveraging CodeDeploy enables you to automate software deployments, effectively eradicating the risk of error-prone manual tasks. Some of the important features it offers include:

1. Multi-host Deployment

You can efficiently oversee deployments for many hosts using advanced monitoring and traffic re-routing capabilities. This helps reduce the hassle of individual manual deployment every single time for every unique host. 

2. Automated Deployments

CodeDeploy allows you to streamline and automate your deployments in one go using a file and command-based install model, thus reducing the risk of errors. This also makes your workflow much more efficient and saves you time that can be utilized elsewhere. 

3. Central Control System

You can utilize the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to keep track of all your feature deployments. CodeDeploy also provides you insights into when each deployment was executed. You can create push notifications to monitor the status of your application live.

4. Rollback and Health Monitoring 

In AWS CodeDeploy, rollback enables you to effortlessly switch back to a prior deployment version if problems arise. You can monitor your App health by setting up alarms that stop deployment and initiate rollbacks, allowing you to maintain continuous application health and performance.

5. Easy Adaptability

Irrespective of the application type, CodeDeploy ensures a consistent experience across various platforms and languages, allowing you to repurpose your existing setup code effortlessly. Furthermore, it integrates with your existing software release process, which makes it easy to use.

What Can You Use AWS CodeDeploy For? 

Now that we’ve discussed some of the features you can leverage to maximize your business potential, let’s talk briefly about what you can do if you implement CodeDeploy.

AWS CodeDeploy allows for deploying application content stored in GitHub, Bitbucket, or Amazon S3 repositories as long as the existing code remains unaltered. Furthermore, AWS CodeDeploy can be applied to various use cases.

AWS CodeDeploy supports deployments to three computing platforms:

EC2/On-Premises: This platform encompasses physical servers, which can be on-premises or within the Amazon EC2 cloud. It supports various components of applications, including executable files, configuration files, images, and more. Deployments on this platform can be executed using either an in-place or blue/green deployment strategy.

AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda is employed to distribute applications containing newer versions of Lambda functions. It provides high-availability compute resources within a serverless computing environment and allows for controlled traffic switching during deployments, with options like canary, linear, or all-at-once configuration.

Amazon ECS: AWS CodeDeploy is used to release a task set of an Amazon ECS containerized application. It conducts blue/green deployments by deploying an updated version of the application as a new replacement task set. This enables the switching of production traffic from the original application job to the substitute task set created by CodeDeploy. After a successful deployment, the initial job set is terminated.

What are Some Limitations of AWS CodeDeploy?

While AWS CodeDeploy is a prominent application deployment service, it's important to recognize its limitations. These limitations include:

1. Multi-Tier Application Challenges: AWS CodeDeploy excels when dealing with single-layer applications. However, it faces challenges when tasked with multi-tier applications. Users have reported difficulties and noticeable performance differences.

2. Limited Deployment Cap: AWS CodeDeploy imposes a maximum limit of 50 custom deployments on a single account. While requesting an increase through Amazon Web Services support is possible, this restriction may be considered less flexible than the industry standards. It could be more user-friendly by allowing a higher deployment limit without needing support intervention.

AWS CodeDeploy Vs. Jenkins 

AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins serve distinct roles in software development and deployment. Here are the key differences between AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins:

1. Category and Purpose

AWS CodeDeploy is primarily designed to automate and manage the deployment of application code to various computing platforms (e.g., Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda) in a reliable and scalable manner, while Jenkin's main focus is on automating the building, testing, and integration of code changes into a shared repository.

2. Deployment Automation

 AWS CodeDeploy fully automates the process, ensuring reliable and rapid deployments to different computing platforms while Jenkins is a powerful tool for continuous integration, it doesn't provide the same level of out-of-the-box deployment automation as AWS CodeDeploy. It can be extended with plugins to support deployment but requires more configuration and customization.

3. Deployment Target

AWS CodeDeploy is optimized for deploying code to various AWS services, including Amazon EC2 instances and AWS Lambda functions. It offers features like rolling updates and health tracking. On the other hand, Jenkins is a versatile tool that can be used for CI/CD in various environments, including on-premises and cloud.

4. Ease of Use

 AWS CodeDeploy provides a straightforward approach to deploying code with automation. It offers a user-friendly interface through the AWS Management Console and CLI for launching and monitoring deployments. Jenkins is known for its flexibility but often requires more setup and configuration. It is highly customizable but may have a steeper learning curve, especially for those new to it.

In summary, AWS CodeDeploy is a specialized service designed for streamlined code deployment to AWS services, focusing on automation and reliability. On the other hand, Jenkins is a highly configurable CI tool that can be adapted for various CI/CD tasks but may require more effort for deployment automation. 


AWS CodeDeploy, a versatile and powerful platform, holds the potential to propel your organization to new heights. Yet, integrating it into your current workflow can pose a formidable challenge. If you’re seeking a refined approach to streamline your operations, we strongly recommend engaging with AWS development services professionals who can offer custom-tailored solutions that align perfectly with your unique business requirements and also learn more about AWS System Manager

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